NUFORC UFO Sighting 181335

Occurred: 2022-08-31 18:48 Local
Reported: 2024-04-30 13:36 Pacific
Duration: 45 Secounds
No of observers: 2 - Military

Location: Pineville, KY, USA
Location details: Rural town Southeastern KY

Shape: Disk
Color: Reflective silver
Estimated Size: 35 FT
Viewed From: Land
Angle of Elevation: 90
Closest Distance: 3500 FT
Estimated Speed: 35-50 MPH
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Observed a classic disc shaped object at very low altitude during daylight and clear skies.

I was visiting an old friend from high school and we were out in the street in front of his house near the bed of his truck just talking. There was no one else on the street and there was no traffic at this time because it is a very small town. Something caught my eye coming over the mountain to our left very slowly at the time I just assumed it was an aircraft of some type until it was directly over head and then it was obvious to both of us this was not any type of typical aircraft or drone. We had a very clear view with nearly perfect conditions, it was moving very slowly, and made absolutely no sound, no lights, no wings, no props or means of visable propulsion. I was able to take 7 photographs which upon closer view clearly shows some type of electric discharge around the craft with a visable blue / purple haze near the rear of the craft. I immediately checked my flight radar on my phone which showed no aircraft in general area. Furthermore, the following day I went to the nearest local airport, very small airport, so small in fact I was able to speak with the actual owner and had him verify the air traffic in the area at the exact time and location, he stated there was nothing. In the following weeks I had a friend fly his Cessna 175 coming from the same direction at around 65 MPH, at an altitude of 3500 ft and it was not even close. I could easily discern it was an aircraft, I could hear it before it even came into view, the wings, tail, landing gear was clear to the naked was nothing like what I observed that night. I do have 3 sec video clips that were imbedded into the photographs that I was unaware of until months shows the disc " zip " at an extremely high rate of speed but at the same time it was perfectly controlled. Its one of those things you have to see to understand it, I will gladly share the photographs when someone contacts me and I can discuss the sighting in greater detail.

Posted 2024-05-05

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