NUFORC UFO Sighting 181310

Occurred: 2024-04-25 17:30 Local
Reported: 2024-04-28 12:12 Pacific
Duration: At least 25 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Marineland, FL, USA
Location details: Working in the backyard facing South.

Shape: Circle
Color: Reflective-Metallic
Estimated Size: No way of telling.
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: South
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: Indiscernible. 5,000 feet, 35,000 feet, Miles?
Estimated Speed: Motionless.
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Stationary object(s) high in the Southern early evening sky.

In the early evening of Thursday, April 25th around 5:30pm EST, I was working in back yard and heard a strange sound I could not describe (because I was wearing foam ear protection). Later, my wife would tell me she also heard a strange from within the house. Whatever it was, it caused me to look up. Immediately, while looking South, I saw what appeared to be something metallic and circular at a high altitude in the sky at some far but indiscernible distance. I say metallic, because I imagined it was reflecting the sun's light on its way toward its eventual setting. Shortly after, a second similar metallic-like object appeared further East to the side of the other, but this seemed more cylindrically shaped and in a vertical position; it disappeared after a few minutes or so. For maybe 10-15 minutes, I watched and tried unsuccessfully to take photos with my phone. It wasn't until a jet at high altitude flew into view when my phone was able to focus enough to capture a couple of images with both the plane and the UAP/UFO in each frame. The limitations from using a mobile phone, even when combined with doing my best to stabilize it, prevented me from providing any real detail of what was there. BUT the photos do catch the metallic/reflective object I saw as the jet passed across my view. I continued with my work, constantly looking to the object as it remained motionless for about 25 minutes, until the last I looked up and it was gone. In all that time, the main object never changed position. I knew this because I was sitting in a specific place and had aligned my viewing angle with that of a couple of fronds from a nearby Palm Tree in front of me. Since we live about 80-miles from Kennedy Space Center, we are still able to see and regularly watch rocket launches from our yard or the beach. So, my first thought was maybe this is what I was witnessing; but there was no movement or anything else normally associated with one involved with this. Then I thought maybe they simply were stars in the early evening sky; but I ruled this out too as the Earth's rotation would have continually changed their positions. Same goes for a weather balloon. Could it have been a satellite in geosynchronous orbit? I would think the Earth's rotation would have caused the "reflection" characteristic to fade and disappear within minutes. And since we follow NASA and Space X launches regularly, I even wondered if I might have been witnessing their unfurling/deployment of the "Solar Sail" that was launched a couple of days earlier from New Zealand (4/23); BUT the last I checked, that was not scheduled to occur until this coming Tuesday. Anyway, with various sightings in the area in the past, and another multiple UAP sighting South of us in Flagler Beach, FL just yesterday, I felt compelled to document the event... ...whatever the reason or explanation. Thank you.

Posted 2024-05-05

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