NUFORC UFO Sighting 181308

Occurred: 2023-08-26 21:33 Local
Reported: 2024-04-28 12:53 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Dayton, OH, USA
Location details: 39.72699 N, 84.20621 W

Shape: Orb
Color: orange and 1 white
Estimated Size: the size of a Volkswagen Beetle
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: 105E to 195S
Angle of Elevation: 55
Closest Distance: .5 miles to 1 miles
Estimated Speed: 50mph
Explanation: Chinese Lantern - Possible
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

These orbs flew perfectly straight and towards a radio tower. Once to the tower they disappear to naked eye but remain visible on camer

I was driving on I75 and took and exit because i saw orange orbs flying through the sky. It clearly was like a ball of energy that i couldnt explain and i felt i had to get it on camera because it amazed me and i just couldnt believe it myself! I parked at the side parking lot of the the hotel and started recording the objects as they flew from left to right. It was weird because i was trying to figure where they were coming from but it was like every time i would follow one of them all of the sudden another one would appear from the left without me noticing and i could not figure out where they were coming from! I started to notice the orbs seemed to be pausing in place grouped up near the top of a radio tower in the distance. I also noticed that a few of the orbs had disappeared to my naked eye once they had made it to the radio tower but i could still see them on camera! After about 5 or 6 of these orange orbs had collected by the radio tower a single white orb emerged and started across the sky in the opposite direction in which the orbs had came along with a flashing white and red object that seemed to be a plane but flew oddly parallel just as the orbs did. The white orb finally dissipated after flying behind a tree in the distance and when i looked back towards the radio tower so did the orange orbs. I sat and smoked a black and mild wondering what i had just saw and actually as everything was happening i mentioned to the front desk worker that i was just a passer by and that i saw something like a orange orb like flying through the sky and she gave me permission to stay and record. I thought maybe she would come to witness the objects but to the best of my knowledge she never did. I left shortly after and i noticed as i hopped back on i75 and looked at the moon that it was a blood reddish color. Ironically at the time of the incident my occupation was painting and i happened to be painting some ones house at the time that did something with aviation for the Pentagon. I showed him the videos and he said he would take a look into it. I did not have many encounters with him but as i was painting away at the exterior of his house the next day he nudged my ladder and told me "I wasnt the only one who saw what i had seen the day before"! It was a short encounter and he didnt go into detail because i was busy and high up on a ladder. Unfortunately he was a busy man too and i never got to actually go into detail with him about what he had found out about the orbs. Since then, i have moved from Mcdermott OH back to Dayton OH. I lived in Mcdermott OH for about another 2 months in a place where i had a lot of land and not a lot of neighbors and surrounded by forest. It was different at night time afterwards and i felt as if i kept seeing objects that looked like stars but were moving all over the place. I still see them

Posted 2024-05-05

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