NUFORC UFO Sighting 177768

Occurred: 2023-08-22 20:20 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-08-22 22:13 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Location details: mountain range

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Missing Time

Was moving laundry, sudden instant quiet. usually i look up and see bats flying around eating bugs. i looked up and the sky had a aboration(?) similar to a distortion but see through. dont know how high up maybe 300 feet up. as it came closer i could see it was pitch black almost like a vanta black type of absence of color. looked like it came from the direction of the demo forest above bonny doon. as i walked back home it went in opposite direction very fast. movement maybe back west or northwest very fast. at some point when i started moving forward it went from almost above me to away from me. it followed away as i walked further forward.

in the past i had a similar encounter near the old satellite box trail off hicks road. i was early 20s and i thought i saw something similar but i was approached by unrecognizable "beings". i could not see them, they were blurry or see through. i ran and jumped into my car and took off. i never really thought about that and i repressed the whole incident thinking i lost time. i did lose time. i didnt think anyone would believe me. i had the same feeling today when i saw this triangle type craft. maybe not so much a triangle but one with rounded edges.i didn’t see any "beings" except when I was 21 or 22 when that happened. The thing was I knew I was being watched. And this was like 10-15 seconds long today. When it left all the natural sounds returned. I could even hear the bats above me flying around. I have experienced this "dead sound" before but never looked around and saw anything. This brief absence of sound always is accompanied by cold sweat and extreme fatigue.i only connect this weird feeling when it happens and then I never talk about it at all and I forget. I thought I had to write this down at least once.

Posted 2023-09-10

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