NUFORC UFO Sighting 181286

Occurred: 2009-06-01 22:33 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-04-27 06:00 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Rapid City, SD, USA
Location details: SD HWY 44 Rapid City, SD along Rapid Creek

Shape: Rectangle
Color: Black
Estimated Size: 8"-10" high x 24" wide
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: North
Angle of Elevation: 15
Closest Distance: 20 ft.
Estimated Speed: 10 mph
Characteristics: Landed, Animals reacted

Witnessed an 8" x 2ft. black rectangle with blurred hind portion appearing out of the fog about 15ft. in the air.

Rapid City, S.D. USA -- (I checked the moon phase around this date to see when it would be bright enough for us to see the black rectangle. Moon was directly in the west. Date is within the timeframe of a bright moon. Approx. time - 10 p.m.). My nearly 6-month-old chihuahua and I were out in the yard facing west and facing an empty one-acre lot, along Rapid Creek. There was low moderate fog, and the moon facing us was bright enough for us to see as there is/was no street light on our corner. We were approx. 20 ft. from the rectangle as it was coming in.

Out of the fog and coming from the north heading south, this black rectangle (with a back portion that was trailing a bit and blurred like when something is traveling very fast and blurs in photos) emerged. It gradually, while still moving fast, descended to the ground about 50 ft. to the south, skidded once, bounced about 3 ft. high about 7 feet further, and plopped to rest under a young ash tree.

Next, I was still shocked by what I saw and my dog and I just stared at the spot where it landed for about a minute. We were unafraid for some reason. We then slowly made our way to about 20 ft. from the tree. I think it was still flat as we approached but then spread out into a flat circle. For sure it quickly formed into a black ball about baseball size, and without recoil just lifted into the air quickly at about a 30-degree angle to the west. We saw it until it was about 20 ft. in the air and then I could not see it anymore. It may have gotten lost from my vision in the darkness of the nearby cottonwood trees to the west as it moved upward.


I am not educated in higher math, but it appears to me that following that trajectory back to the north would not be possible unless it found a sweet spot as there are homes in the way about 1/2 block to the north. I can picture what is to the north and there may have been enough room further to the north 2-3 miles I guess for it to miss the obstacles such as trees, homes, hills, etc.

Our chihuahua did not bark. If one knows chihuahuas, they know that they bark at everything. They also think they are German Shepherds. LOL

Posted 2024-04-27

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