NUFORC UFO Sighting 181239

Occurred: 2024-04-19 19:49 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-04-23 00:20 Pacific
Duration: only about 10 seconds max
No of observers: 4

Location: Clark Fork, ID, USA

Shape: Other
Color: rust red.
Estimated Size: estimating based on the canopy size, 60ft by 60ft.
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: traveled from east to north of us.
Angle of Elevation: 35
Closest Distance: unsure
Estimated Speed: less than mach1, but fast enough for vapor cone.
Explanation: Aircraft - Probable
Characteristics: Made a sound, Animals reacted

Reddish shovel shaped aircraft, which appeared to be jet propelled, passed fairly quietly over north face of Scotchman Peak.

I and three friends happened to be in the right place at the right time to see a strange aircraft fly past our position. The aircraft was jet-propelled, I feel fairly certain of this because its sound was very much in line with the sound of a small civilian jet aircraft, and also because the craft had visible inlets and exhaust. The weird parts about this thing were as follows: 1 color. The whole thing was red, orangeish-red, not actually quite rust red, but I'm not sure of the name for the hue it was. 2 shape of the airframe. The thing had all the parts of a modern man-made aircraft; engines, verticle stabilizer, seemingly viable wing/airfoil, and tinted black canopy. The weird bits were that the top-down or bottom-up view of the thing was shovel-shaped. I can't really think of any other way to describe it, the leading edges and trailing edges of the wing curved out from the aircraft center but came to a point at the nose and to brief straight back lines at the wingtips. We saw the craft in what appeared to be a gradual bank as it passed our vantage point. 3 it left no contrails or any other sort of vapor or exhaust trail, this in spite of flying fast enough to produce a vapor trail. 4 the sound of its engines sounded too weak for its apparent speed suggested by the vapor cone and the short duration of our sighting. The other three of us assumed collectively that what we saw must be some new military stealth tech, given the craft's fuselage was blended into the wing and did not protrude from the leading or trailing edge, which reminded us of a stealth bomber, but I'm uncertain for the following reasons: 1 once again color, why the hell does someone paint their advanced military jet like it’s a barn? 2 the tubes that seemed to house the engine were not blended into the fuselage very well, and sort of appeared to sit atop the base of the wing either side of the fuselage, this plus the straight upwards sizable vertical stabilizer seem like they would destroy the stealth capabilities of the design. 3 no hardpoints or weapons of any kind were visible.

I'm not sure who built that jet or how to explain its weird characteristics. I'm also not really sure if this counts as a UFO, but I've been thinking about this nonstop since I saw it, and my friends started to tease me about it. I needed to get my thoughts out somewhere, and was also curious to see if anyone else had filed a report of similar description, nobody has as far as I could find.

Posted 2024-04-27

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