NUFORC UFO Sighting 181205

Occurred: 2023-09-01 20:20 Local
Reported: 2024-04-19 18:33 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Hadley, NY, USA
Location details: 43°19’14” N 73°52’1” W

Shape: Orb
Color: Bright white
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: 151° SE
Angle of Elevation: 70
Closest Distance: 15,000ft
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo

Slow moving bright orb of light with much smaller orb of light erratically moving around bigger orb

I was outside in my backyard when I noticed a bright light in the sky. At first I thought it was a plane, a star or Venus, however, it was stationary for many minutes, no other stars were visible at the time and it was in the South East so it couldn’t have been Venus.

The orb of lights altitude and distance from me was extremely hard to decipher. At times I thought it was a star but then other times it appeared to be at or below commercial plane cruising altitude. I observed how bright the light was and noticed how the bright light would appear to change colors from bright white to yellowish orange back to bright white. It would also flicker, dim or vanish at times. It was very gradual the way it moved. It went from 110° SE to 151°SE within 5 minutes.

After watching it for 10 minutes I went inside to tell my wife. Upon returning outside I noticed it had moved again slightly and this time I noticed a smaller object moving erratically all around it. It almost seemed like the orbs were communicating or blinking at one another. After about 30 minutes of observing and taking videos I went in to check on wife and kids. Upon returning outside and looking up it was no longer visible.

The reason I am submitting this months later is because I was unaware of this site and resource. My father in law told me about it after I had recently shown him my videos. Truth be told, I, have been seeing an orb of light for over a year sporadically, with my first sighting being in March of 2023. I have other videos, but none of the quality of my September 1st sighting. The orb of light has appeared before with similar characteristics as I described above, however, it has been seen at different altitudes and directions. The closest it’s ever come to me was March 18th, 2023 where I witnessed it traveling about 1,000ft altitude from the west to the north at an air balloon like speed before disappearing behind the tree line.

Posted 2024-04-27

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