NUFORC UFO Sighting 181190

Occurred: 2022-07-29 21:05 Local
Reported: 2024-04-17 19:41 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Angora, MN, USA
Location details: I was at my hunting property in Sturgeon MN.

Shape: Light
Color: Blue , green , white
Estimated Size: 60'
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: southeast to northeast then west
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: half a mile
Estimated Speed: not sure
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Made a sound, Animals reacted

Disc/sphere shape with incredibly bright lights and a pulsating blue/white beam

I was letting my dogs out for the last time in the evening. slightly cloudy outside with a dark sky. I was facing northeast when I caught a pulsing light in my peripheral vision from the southeast. I turned towards it and I saw a very very bright light orb-like craft in the sky that appeared to be flying in an erratic zig-zag pattern. I am unsure exactly how far it was away from me but I watched it for approximately 15-20 minutes it was flying in my direction at what seemed to be normal aircraft speeds. It had a light on that seemed to cover the whole bottom and a centralized flood like that was bouncing like someone was running with a flashlight in their hand going in all directions towards the ground. It was amazingly bright. The object made no discernable sound at all it was moving in what could be described as almost right angles with the shifts being very fast. With the flight speed remaining constant at least from my perspective. The center light shut off about 5 minutes before it was at its closest point to me which was 800-1000 feet above and going over the property adjoining mine about 1/2 mile east. I watched it as it passed over and I could makeout a large rounded disc like shape similer in size with a midsized passenger jet. When it was at its close point I could hear a very slight noise which was a deep buzzing kind of sound. I watched it turn northwest and shoot off at incredible speeds out of my line of sight in a couple of seconds. I don’t know what this was. I have never seen anything move that fast or fly in such a bizzare manner. I was very upset I was not able to video the object as my phone was stone dead sitting in my vehicle. This was not the first sighting I have had in this area. It was quite interesting.

Posted 2024-04-27

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