NUFORC UFO Sighting 180844

Occurred: 2024-03-10 11:43 Local
Reported: 2024-03-16 16:17 Pacific
Duration: At least 5 minutes.
No of observers: 1

Location: Laguardo, TN, USA
Location details: I was traveling north on Route 109. It was in the sky, just a bit west of the highway.

Shape: Orb
Color: white or silver
Estimated Size: unknown
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: northwest
Angle of Elevation: 53
Closest Distance: unknown
Estimated Speed: unknown
Explanation: Bird - Possible

The cluster or orbs were kind of stationary, but moved about within the group.

I was heading north on route 109. I went through Laguardo headed towards Gallatin. Somewhere in between I saw something in the sky that I initially thought were a flock of birds. While I tried to figure out what type of bird it was while driving, the cluster just disappeared. A moment later they seemed to reappear. I pulled over, to continue watching because it just seemed so odd. I watched as the group was slowly changing position. They weren't in any kind of order. So after I saw this happening, I decided it wasn't birds and it didn't seem possible that they were drones. It looked to be about 20 orbs or something. I took a couple of pictures from my windshield when I first pulled over. Then I decided to get out of the car to view them. I couldn't tell if they were white or silver. Also I couldn't really tell the shape. But they would be visible all at once and a moment later they'd all disappear. I couldn't even see any trace at all when they'd disappear.

I wish I could have stayed longer. They were still in the same place as I had first saw them, but I had to meet someone at noon, and I was already sure to be late.

Most of the pictures don't show anything but I can see them in 2 of the photos. But still can't make out what it was.

Posted 2024-04-27

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