NUFORC UFO Sighting 180799

Occurred: 2023-12-14 19:30 Local
Reported: 2024-03-12 08:03 Pacific
Duration: 5 mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Cleveland, VA, USA

Shape: Circle
Color: White
Estimated Size: From my view it was the size of a golf ball
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: S
Angle of Elevation: 29
Closest Distance: Maybe 3 miles
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Two lights slowly and smoothly going across the sky. They stayed the same distance apart and the same speed.

I went outside to grab some thing from my car while talking to my mother on the phone. It was a clear night, and there had been a meteor shower a couple night before so I wanted to see if I catch any stragglers. I looked up and saw 2 dots coming over the ridge. Parallel to me flying across the horizon. They stayed the same speed and they stayed the same distance apart the light or reflection on the back object was brighter than the object in the front. They slowly made their way across the ridge, and I could see them as they glided behind the trees. There was no sound coming from them. I could see them above my neighbor's houses and they slowly disappeared behind the mountains. It seemed like they were following the mountain ridge.
I Was able to get a video of them about halfway through the sighting. After they were gone I noticed 6 different, what look like commercial, aircraft following in their direction, they were spaced apart and they had flashing lights and I could hear the sound, so I knew they were regular airplanes. I did not get them on video. I thought that was strange because I've never seen that many commercial flights flying in the same direction altogether and the same speed. It seemed to me that they were following the 2 objects.

Posted 2024-03-13

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