NUFORC UFO Sighting 180758

Occurred: 1986-07-15 02:00 Local
Reported: 2024-03-08 14:14 Pacific
Duration: 20+ minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Mountain Falls, VA, USA
Location details: about a half mile n.e. of the house

Shape: Light
Color: Bright light not big
Estimated Size: About a Bobcat earthmover
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: 2 o'clock on a dial
Angle of Elevation: 54
Closest Distance: Half mile
Estimated Speed: Beyond belief at impossible angles

It looked like a falling star yet was a bright light.

2 am from the upstairs open window. Day before observed and heard helicopters from the power line company using aerial drop down saws cutting brush away from 100 foot tall line girders . It is a very rural area. Looking out the window from the bathroom at the stars in the summer sky. See this "falling star" descending toward our area. Then as it gets closer I realize it is not a star. It is a very bright light like you would see if someone was in the woods at night with a flashlight. Maybe about the size of Bobcat earthmover. The speed was beyond anything seen before as where we lived was/is the flight path at night of planes going east to Dulles Airport. It came down to the top of the power line girders, hovered for a few minutes, then accelerated at a sharp angle upward, and for the next 20 minutes just performed a series of down and up and sideways beyond "fast" movements. Complete silence over the power line. The end was when it zoomed upward into the sky and disappeared. When I got downstairs I made a call to the National Air guard base at Martinsburg and told the man about what I saw and also same to Andrews Air Force Base.

Posted 2024-03-13

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