NUFORC UFO Sighting 180565

Occurred: 1993-08-21 23:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-02-24 09:28 Pacific
Duration: saw for a total of 2 sec.
No of observers: 5

Location: Salem, OR, USA
Location details: Was in the backyard of a friends house but do not remember exact address

Shape: Orb
Color: sulfuric white
Estimated Size: The light was a size of a penhead in the sky to me
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: overhead most the time
Angle of Elevation: 81
Closest Distance: I would have no idea, it was night and FAR away
Estimated Speed: moved across the whole sky in 1 second, so ???
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Some friends and I were laying down watching the meteor shower. 2 lights started flashing back and forth across the sky then flew away.

We had been enjoying the meteor shower for several days, but this night was supposed to be the best so a group of us were laying in the backyard, watching the sky. All of the sudden, a light I thought was a meteor did a sharp 90 degree turn the middle of the sky and flew in another direction going parallel with the Earth. As I am watching this first light I see a second turn and join the first, then they both turn again together and go a different direction and fly off out of sight. After the first one turned I heard a friend ask if someone was seeing this, I did not turn my head but asked if they meant the light and they confirmed. Everyone saw the two by the time they were flying out of sight. I could not make out any difference between this light of the UFO and the meteors that we had seen in the sky that night. But once the first changed direction I noticed it no longer had a tail coming off the backend.

Posted 2024-03-13

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