NUFORC UFO Sighting 180144

Occurred: 1987-08-29 12:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-01-21 17:30 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 1 - Military

Location: Sonoita, AZ, USA
Location details: Parked roadside by hiking trail

Shape: Circle
Color: dull silver
Estimated Size: circular and large perhaps a span of 169 ft
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: headed eastward
Angle of Elevation: 90
Closest Distance: A little above the tree line but out in the open
Estimated Speed: slow then, took off and disappeared in 3 seconds

After a morning hike I went back to my van and looked up....3 space craft were flying overhead low enough for me to make out details...

I was active duty USAF at the time. Just stationed at Davis Monthan AFB in Az. I am an avid hiker and had just heard about great hiking in Sonotia,Az. So I took a drive to the area to explore the hiking, early morning but the sun was up. I parked my Jeep by the roadside and went for a roughly 2-hour hike by the stream that runs through the forest. I hiked down the trail and back to the road to go back to DMAFB where I was stationed at the time.

For some reason I looked up as I came out of the woods, I saw 3 very large, round flying objects...they were in a very aligned formation, silent and I was able to watch them for about 15-20 minutes until they took off quite quickly and disappeared in seconds.

About 3 weeks or so I was asleep in my home, it was roughly 12:30am and my entire bedroom lit up...VERY bright. I got up and looked over to my right and 3 large non-human beings were standing there. I got seriously angry they were in my home where my children were sleeping in the house. I started getting up (the whole backyard was lit up. I yelled at them to get the hell out of my home! I was in a very angry state, no fear, just rage at the fact they had come close to my kids!

I served 20 years of active duty USAF, my career field was Jet engine mechanic I worked on roughly 6 or 7 different aircraft. I was the 1st female honor graduate from Jet Engine School in USAF history at the time...graduated from Chanute Jet Propulsion training. I was not a reservist! I worked flight line, test cell, ran phase dock engine shop, and more.

Posted 2024-02-15

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