NUFORC UFO Sighting 180089

Occurred: 2024-01-08 10:55 Local
Reported: 2024-01-17 11:44 Pacific
Duration: several minutes
No of observers: 2 - Aviation Expert

Location: Lake Mathews, CA, USA
Location details: Intersection of Lake Mathews Drive and Cajalco Road

Shape: Other
Color: Silver
Estimated Size: 75 - 100ft
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: nnw
Angle of Elevation: 3
Closest Distance: 1/3 - 1/2 mile
Estimated Speed: 5-10mph
Explanation: Blimp - Possible

The sighting was very clear and the craft was moving Northward very slowly. It appeared to be over the far side of the lake NNW from me

As I drove N on Lake Mathews Drive approaching Cajaco Road I noticed the craft in the distance thinking it was a large multi engine WW2 plane. But then I realized it was flying too slow. I was now at the junction of Lake Mathews Drive and Cajalco Road. Before making a left turn West I stopped to get a video with my phone. As I was not able to identify what I was looking at I quickly drove West on Cajaco Road which would take me closer, hoping to get a better picture. Because of the hills along the lake the view was obscured and I could not see the craft but after a few minutes I came to a point where could see the craft. It was moving away from me so I did not feel I was any closer, but It was now close to the west end of the dam and I took a picture. So I have a still shot and a short Video. It appeared to be about 1/3 - 1/2 mile away, approximately 500ft - 1000ft above the lake, maybe 75 - 100ft in length. There was no noise whatsoever, no exhaust, and was maintaining perfectly level flight during the time that I saw it. I have been around aviation all my life but I have been unable to identify this sighting. I figured it must have been some kind of drone but it there was no noise and with the irregular shape and thickness i am not so sure. I would like to know what I was looking at!

Posted 2024-02-15

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