NUFORC UFO Sighting 180032

Occurred: 2024-01-12 20:08 Local
Reported: 2024-01-12 18:44 Pacific
Duration: Sporadic for 30-45 second
No of observers: 3

Location: Glendale, WI, USA
Location details: Looked to be coming from the western sky

Shape: Other
Color: Brownish-Beige
Viewed From: Land
Angle of Elevation: 45
Estimated Speed: Very high speed not sustainable by our crafts

I was driving when I saw a blast of blue light cover the entire sky. I parked and saw 2-3 more blasts. Got camera out, then it stopped.

I was driving west on Bender Road when I saw a bright blue light, light up the entire western sky. I pulled into the Speedway gas station on Bender and Green Bay Road to park and the blue light lit up the sky again. When I parked, I pulled my phone out to capture it, but by the time I got it out, the phenomenon stopped.

When I was recording, a man parked next to me and I asked him if he saw what I did and knew what it was. He did see it and seemed just as confused about it as me. I then went inside and asked the cashier's. One of them saw it and had a lot of panic in her voice about it. I proceeded to drive to my next destination with my video on, but I witnessed no further instances of the unknown phenomenon, as of approximately 8:48 pm, when I reached my next destination.

Tonight's weather is a cool 33° and there was a snowstorm when the phenomenon happened. I thought I may have heard some unusual bangs or rattling when the lights appeared, but not sure if it was related to the many plows out.

Posted 2024-02-15

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