NUFORC UFO Sighting 179974

Occurred: 2021-11-25 01:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-01-09 13:11 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Harts, WV, USA
Location details: My parents house, on the second floor, in my childhood bedroom.

Shape: Unknown
Color: Flesh/Caucasian
Estimated Size: 4-5 feet tall, 100-150lbs
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: On my left side, about six to eight feet away
Closest Distance: 6 feet
Estimated Speed: N/A
Characteristics: Possible abduction

Laying on my couch going to sleep, being walks down the hall and stands in my doorway. That's all I remember.

I was laying on the couch in my bedroom at my parents place. I recall being fully clothed and having my shoes on. I had been working for the post office for about three years at this point.

I thought it was sleep paralysis, and perhaps it was a dream. The more I think about how vivid it was, and the details, the less I am convinced that it was anything but real.

To the best of my knowledge, a Caucasian biped walked silently down the hall and stood in the doorway of my bedroom. I sleep with the lights on so I saw it clearly. I can't remember what its' legs looked like, because I was transfixed on its upper body/face area. I was terrified, but couldn't move or react. It had these splotches on its skin all over its' body, like port wine stain birthmarks. I have one on my face in the shape of a triangle on my upper lip is why I equate the two. It pointed at me, and that's all I remember.

It looked as though it were angry, or maybe just annoyed with me. I sometimes laugh that it seemed like I was inconveniencing it in some way.
Look this sounds like hogwash, and that it was just a dream. But I keep remembering it's eyes. The memory is so hazy, and I would be open to attempting hypnotism in an attempt to glean any more details.

The eyes seemed black, lifeless, and at the same time, they were gold colored. Like a wolfs eyes.

I'm sorry I wish I could give more details. I have memories from my childhood of a similar entity standing in my bedroom watching me sleep, which happened on two separate occasions. Both were just as brief but as I was a child, my comprehension of what I was seeing didn't register.

I hope this helps, thank you

Posted 2024-02-15

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