NUFORC UFO Sighting 179639

Occurred: 2023-12-05 17:25 Local
Reported: 2023-12-07 06:14 Pacific
Duration: My house
No of observers: 2

Location: Saint Paul, KS, USA
Location details: My front porch. Looking east

Shape: Orb
Color: This one was white b
Estimated Size: Look like a bright s
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Fly Southeast
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: I don't know. These
Estimated Speed: Really fast or somet
Explanation: Planet/Star - Possible

This was the earliest I've seen one out. Sun was still setting. It was before 5:30,only star out was Venus or mercury.

So idk what's happening in my small town, since the end up September. I've seen anything like this before. So ever single night orbs every I mean left going all different directions all different sizes and heights. They only come out very early like 545 to about 7 PM. After that they hardly show themselves. I go outside look up in just seconds I see them. They legit post as Stars. Your see a Star as you look for more then the a star you just looked at, starts flying threw the night sky. Damn military planes.ars flying over every day and night. How do I know cuz flew next each other and right at each other. I thought they were gonna crash at times no joke. Now theses a huge UFO thats.flown right over my house 3 times seen it 4 times. This is no orb. It's huge the speed of it I can only compare it moving a Lazer it's that fast. No sound either nothing. This thing was low too. Triangle/dimoamd could only see the outline of the shape of the craft it's self. 6 to 9 very dim Green lights made the outline. Last night the lights were circling the Craft it's self as it flew over us.. we've seen Star Link fly over our town 5 times in last 2 months. I think that's very weird giving that I've only seen that once before 2 years ago. So yea I need a documentary crew out here lol I can't get any of this on my phone camera

Posted 2023-12-09

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