NUFORC UFO Sighting 179565

Occurred: 2023-04-16 03:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-11-30 20:52 Pacific
Duration: I would say 5 Mins
No of observers: 2

Location: Mendota, IL, USA
Location details: Flat land

Shape: Light
Color: yellowish light
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Heading North on I-39
Angle of Elevation: 90
Closest Distance: drove toward the light until right under.
Characteristics: Emitted beams, Missing Time

Bright light shining down on highway in front of me in the dead of night darkness

As I was heading North on I-39 on my way home from picking up my daughter from Nashville TN. This is a trip i have made numerous times and was very familiar with. I had set up check points along the way to determine how much more time I had left but something was strange that night, just ahead of us in the path of travel was a very bright light. At first, I thought I was just making better time than I thought because it would have been the next overpass in which all the exits have Street lighting, but as I go closer and closer, I noticed where I was and it's no way that its overpass lighting. At that time, I looked to my daughter and asked her if she sees the same light and her response was "yea Dad, I see it. What is it?" My response was I have no clue. So, I kept moving towards it. As we got directly under the light, which was still bright, I tried to look up out the windshield to see what it was. I couldn't see nothing but the light but as soon as I passed thru and looked in the review the light was gone. Not knowing what it was or what had happened I just told Arial something that wouldn't scare her so I brushed it off like must have been a helicopter or something searching for something. I also couldn't believe what I witnessed. So, the next day I pulled out my laptop and began to look into if anyone else had reported anything around that area. Nothing came up but I noticed a dad and his daughters had experienced something similar in WI. I looked at the video the dad had posted and noticed it was something very close to what we and experience. I kind of freaked me out so I decided to keep it to myself because I don't want to come off as crazy or have people thinking such about me, but even before that experience I have seen strange things but nothing to that extreme. Even up to today it seems like I know or can predict things that has not happened yet. My dreams are more vivid with some predicting something that will happen the next day. It's like if I remember something about a dream I had, as I move around the next day something will relate to the dream. I'm at the point that I feel I want to talk to someone about it but really don't know who or how to explain without someone being Judgmental so, this is me reaching out and letting my experience out.

Posted 2023-12-09

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