NUFORC UFO Sighting 179475

Occurred: 2023-11-21 20:30 Local
Reported: 2023-11-21 21:29 Pacific
Duration: 1hr+
No of observers: 2 - Pilot

Location: Stillwater, OK, USA
Location details: Viewed from FL320 and FL340 observed from same apparent relative direction flying from DFW to RAP

Shape: Light
Color: Red to yellow to whi
Estimated Size: N/A
Viewed From: Aircraft
Direction from Viewer: 280°
Angle of Elevation: 5
Closest Distance: Undetermined.
Estimated Speed: Cannot be determined due to not knowing distance.
Characteristics: Changed Colo

As many as 4 lights were simultaneously observed corroborated with no less than 6-7 other aircraft on Denver Center

Lights observed from the flight deck from what appeared to be slightly above or co-altitude with us in the 30's (32000-34000') from a consistent 280 heading over the 600+ mile flight northbound from dfw to rapid city. Distance to lights could not be determined as they were above the horizon. Lights would fade in from a dim red orange and intensely brighten for about 10 seconds before fading away. Lights would often move in different directions including directions that would not make sense for satellites. It was not starlink or meteors stars or planets as some lights moved upward and others downward towards the horizon. Lights would occasionally abruptly change direction and velocity with the appearance of dancing or rotating around each other. Lights were observed from a constant direction but were in no discernable formation. Witnessed by both flight crew and as many as 7 or more aircraft on frequency transiting from as far as the east coast to over Colorado from what we heard.

Posted 2023-12-09

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