NUFORC UFO Sighting 179444

Occurred: 2023-11-20 17:15 Local
Reported: 2023-11-20 19:30 Pacific
Duration: Approximately 12 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Halfway, MD, USA
Location details: I was in slower moving traffic traveling North on I-81.

Shape: Light
Color: White
Estimated Size: Perhaps 15 foot diameter
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Northwest from my POV
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: 5 miles
Estimated Speed: 60 mph

At 1st glance lights (4) appeared slightly higher than street lamps but change into just 2 larger bright lights that tilted & vanished

I was traveling North on I-81 in Hagerstown, MD at around 5:15 in slow moving traffic. Street lamps had just come on but it was still light out when I seen 4 lights that may have been in a diamond formation or just a cluster that I thought were just a bit than taller street lamps but were offset a good ways from the interstate. I was never able to pass them, so they were not stationary at all and kept the same height and distance as I drove 8 miles of driving distance.

They continued to travel and I lost sight of them briefly when traffic slowed down. Once the traffic sped up to 50 mph I was able to regain site of them, until I was even with Hagerstown airports runway. The runway is on the eastern side of the interstate, on the western side of the interstate is farmland. Once the lights reached the farmland, they merged into 2 square lights that resembled the Lotto Shoe logo (2 squares joined but with a space) the bottom of the 2 squares was extremely bright. Much brighter than the upper portion.. Then they were gone. I did not see them go up or down or anything. Mind you this entire event lasted maybe 10-12 minutes if that long and I was driving in decently heavy traffic.

Posted 2023-12-09

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