NUFORC UFO Sighting 179388

Occurred: 2023-11-14 20:25 Local
Reported: 2023-11-15 07:46 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Stephentown, NY, USA
Location details: Rural

Shape: Circle
Color: Orange
Estimated Size: unknown - to hard to tell
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: South
Angle of Elevation: 75
Closest Distance: 1 mile
Estimated Speed: unknown

Three bright orange orbs levitating then moving slightly and slowly then moving fast and disappearing

I can't believe I'm filling this out. I was driving home and saw three lights as I was going up a hill toward the end of the hill at a junction from Nelson Rd to West Rd. I was surprised and thought the lights were a new radio tower or something. It was too close to be the only other lights which are further at a ski place about 6 miles down. I take this road three times a week so it was foreign and new. As I got to the crest of the hill overlooking the field where I expected a tower, there was none, and the objects were just floating. I turned my car southwest on cranston rd instead of going northeast as I usually do to get home to get a better view. At this point I could only see two of them. I was in awe, and had a clear view within my car of one of these things slowly moving east, and the other hovering straight above it, but that one didn’t move, only the bottom one. I was dangerously hanging out around the road and pulled over as another car was behind me and I got out of the car to get a closer look and see if I could hear a helicoptor sound or something as we get a lot of helicopters here. It was completely silent. I was hoping the car behind me would stop to talk about this but he kept going northeast but he was also driving slowly and erratic so I know he saw it. Within a few seconds they both did a small swirl which looked directly away from me and disappeared. I got home, and kind of shaken up by it, I called the NYS State Police in New Lebanon NY at 518-793-8445 to see if they got any reports of weird lights. They didn’t, but he thought it could be a starlink satellite formation. I felt very ackward and told the officer that I felt like a nut calling but I saw something, I have seen starlink satellite lights before and they are much smaller and much more distance than this. The time of the police call was 8:53PM EST and lasted about 1 minute.

The total event from driving to me getting out of the car, to them disappearing was less than one minute, maybe around one minute exactly. I did think of getting my phone and taking a video but it just happened too fast and I was kind of stunned by it and didn’t grab one. But I am ordering a dash cam today because of this.

What I really just want to know, more than anything, is did anyone else see these? I just want my sighting validating as being seen by someone else is my feeling more than anything. They were insanely bright orange, almost like a campfire, but circular. I am 50 years old, an engineer, a dad, high educated, no alcohol or drugs, well grounded and not a conspiracy nut, and I can't explain what I saw. The way it hovered, moved was not natural, it was clearly vehicular by nature and moved too fast for me to understand what it could be. It was too close to be a satellite, which I see often as I have clear country skies. Is there anyway I can be notified if someone else saw this ? The curiousity is killing me about this. I havent told anyone else other than the police because I didn’t want to sound like a whack job, but its been on my mind all morning.

I do not want my name disclosed

Posted 2023-12-09

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