NUFORC UFO Sighting 179349

Occurred: 2023-11-12 20:00 Local
Reported: 2023-11-12 20:20 Pacific
Duration: Less than a minute
No of observers: 1

Location: La Grange Park, IL, USA
Location details: Viewed from a parking lot at a distance.

Shape: Formation
Color: Pale yellow incandes
Estimated Size: Unknown
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: West
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: Several miles
Estimated Speed: Appeared faster than jets at the same altitude
Characteristics: Lights on object

Shape with two points of light at each end at low altitude

While looking west at approximately 8:00 pm I noticed a light coming fast from the south to the north several miles away and fairly low. As it crossed my position in front of me I could make out a shape with two points of light at each end. It continued north and then made a turn to the east and appeared to circle to the south as I lost sight of it. The shape was moving faster relative to the planes in the sky as I am situated on a flight path to midway airport and o’hare. I have seen military jets up close and didn’t hear the tell tale afterburners.

Posted 2023-12-09

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