NUFORC UFO Sighting 179346

Occurred: 2023-10-27 16:44 Local
Reported: 2023-11-10 19:50 Pacific
Duration: 8th of a 2nd
No of observers: 1

Location: Red Boiling Springs, TN, USA
Location details: Taking a video while looking out a delta airplane window

Shape: Light
Color: Not surd
Estimated Size: Not sure
Viewed From: Aircraft
Direction from Viewer: 30k feet in the air looking out airplane window
Angle of Elevation: 9
Closest Distance: Not sure
Estimated Speed: Faster than iv ever seen

Taking Video out airplane window as we started to descend from 37k ft

I was watching a video I posted online of my plane’s decent. When I noticed 2 flashes of light one coming and one going extremely fast
So fast I did not see it while filming the video only week later did I notice these events while watching the video
objects are moving extremely fast
It was a clean blue sky
We were just starting to enter the clouds as you can see in the video
Please watch video very closely and look for the streak of white lights one coming and going in the left hand corner

Posted 2023-12-09

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