NUFORC UFO Sighting 179298

Occurred: 1993-01-01 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-11-07 07:56 Pacific
Duration: Watched for approx 2 min
No of observers: 2 - Military

Location: Columbia, PA, USA
Location details: Rt 30 eastbound around Columbia, Pa

Shape: Light
Color: White light and sepa
Estimated Size: White light larger than the separate red light
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Route 30 East
Angle of Elevation: 48
Closest Distance: Helicopter height
Estimated Speed: Zero, lingering, to shooting off and gone
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

Separate entities acting independently. One larger white light object, followed by smaller red light object.

Relaying my experience of the approx timeframe for data. Didn’t realize this was a thing until I read an article. I’ll never forget 100% what I saw that winter's night many years ago, watching out the car window coming going home from visiting my grandmother in Lancaster county, Pa. My dad saw it too and can confirm. The white light would hover with the red light closely intact. The white light would very quickly and irrationally jump forward as the red light lingered behind a few seconds before similarly jumping forward to catch up. If not paying attention, you’d think it was a helicopter. But these two entities were independent. The white light abruptly shoots out of sight while the red light lingered behind a few seconds then skyrocketed out of sight on the trail of the white light. When the red light took off, best way to explain, is that it lit up the cloud cover of the night as if you would imagine a lightning bolt would light up the night sky…. Except in red.

Posted 2023-12-09

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