NUFORC UFO Sighting 179287

Occurred: 2023-11-03 20:42 Local
Reported: 2023-11-06 09:04 Pacific
Duration: 9 seconds maximum
No of observers: 1

Location: Mansfield, NJ, USA
Location details: Homestead Drive, Homestead Adult Community, Columbus, NJ 08022

Shape: Light
Color: Red
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: North
Angle of Elevation: 42
Estimated Speed: 30km/hr
Characteristics: Lights on object

Two alternating red blinking lines, each in shape of short line segment, moved together, in the same direction as their line

I was on my way to my local ATM (I have receipt 8:51pm) so it must have been no more than 10 minutes before that, driving north on Homestead Drive in Homestead Adult Community in Columbus, NJ, I had just turned the slight left-turning curve about 10 meters north of Chestnut Hill Lane, when I saw very low in the sky, just above the treetops above the houses at the intersection of either Deep Hollow and Homestead Drive or Hill Top Lane and Homestead Drive, two alternating flashing red lights. They alternated about twice per second. The lights looked like short line segments. The lights looked about the same distance apart as the width of Homestead Drive.

It was absolutely pitch black. I could see nothing else in the sky: I could not see any object to which they were attached. The two alternating red lights moved together as if they were part of the same rigid structure in the same direction, eastward and out of sight, as the line connecting the lights. I had all the windows of my car rolled up, because it was quite cold. So, I heard nothing. They moved off eastward over Homestead Drive and somehow out of view. The entire event lasted about ten seconds. No time for me to take my cellphone out and snap a photo.

While I saw this, my feeling was that this was a police helicopter of some type, or some kind of police or military craft, because the lights were red, and because we have had many airplanes and helicopters from McGuire AFB fly over Homestead in broad daylight, since 1993. I felt it was strange, because of how low it was, but not strange enough to call it alien. It definitely WAS an unidentified flying object: a UFO, as I could not identify it. The fact that these two lights did not make a noise did not impress me. I do not remember them making a sound. But, I would really need to do an independent experiment to compare to the sounds made by known McGuire flyovers.

There was some car ahead of me, about 50 meters, on Homestead Drive, traveling in the same direction I was. I was not able to read their license plate. They would have certainly been able to see this thing, too. On Monday, November 6, I posted a note in our clubhouse asking for whomever this driver was, who was out at this same time and location, to contact me. After I got home from the ATM, I called the guardhouse/frontgate to ask if they these lights. The man on duty told me he saw nothing.

This is an addendum to previous report id=179287. On Christmas Day 2023, I unexpectedly received a text from somebody who saw my notice requesting any other witnesses come forward that night and contact me if they saw the same alternating flashing red lights. I assume they refer to the notice I physically posted on the bulletin board in our clubhouse, as that was the only notice I posted. I have withheld this witnesses name and phone #. However, they attached a photo they took. Just a single red light, but that matches what I saw.

Posted 2023-12-09

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