NUFORC UFO Sighting 178990

Occurred: 2023-10-20 06:45 Local
Reported: 2023-10-20 11:27 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Tulsa, OK, USA
Location details: 15th St. and Oswego Ave.

Shape: Light

3 lights appeared in the sky and flew in triangle formation & then disappeared one at a time

I enjoy coffee every morning while watching the sky. I look for different celestial objects and the international space station. I even have an app that helps me understand what I am seeing. On the morning of October 20th at approximately 6:45am I was stargazing and enjoying the view of Jupiter. Suddenly 3 lights appeared in the western sky between Jupiter and the horizon from my vantage point on my front porch. The 3 lights were moving North in a triangle formation for about 1 minute. I tried to grab my phone to record, but when I looked back up 2 of the lights had disappeared and then the 3rd light disappeared. The lights did not fade or leave a trail. It’s as if the lights were snuffed out.

Posted 2023-10-28

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