NUFORC Sighting 178842

Occurred: 2023-10-11 14:15 Local
Reported: 2023-10-12 18:51 Pacific
Duration: I’d say around 5 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Moore, OK, USA
Location details: Outside of a retail store.

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Saw a bright blue light that looked like a star, thought it was weird so I pointed it out.

So myself and the two other witnesses were outside our place of work moving some stuff around with a forklift. I turned around and was walking back to open our gate to go back inside and I noticed a bright blue orb in the sky which I thought was a star and was confused because it was the middle of the day. Once I noticed the light it brightened then went out, but I could see what looked to be a stick standing on its end up and down in front of the cloud. I pointed it out to my coworker who was standing by me and asked if he saw what I was seeing and as I pointed it out to him it brightened itself back to the bright blue light then went out. Around that time as it’s drifting with the clouds to the north I assume trying to hide itself another coworker on the forklift drove up and asked what we were looking at and I pointed it out again and it did the same thing again and then disappeared into the distance with the cloud. 20 to 30 minutes later an Air Force aircraft showed up and was circling the area we saw the craft for like 20 minutes before just flying off.

Posted 2023-10-28

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