NUFORC UFO Sighting 178633

Occurred: 2018-06-01 21:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-10-01 12:22 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds approximately
No of observers: 2

Location: South and West of ft scott, KS, USA
Location details: Driving to chanute from Fort scott before the girard turnoff on highway 7

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Emitted beams, Possible abduction, Missing Time

I was with my son who would have been 10. We were driving at night headed to chanute when a light nearly decapitated our entire vision, blinding us in the process, the source was to the south of the road. I've never seen light like this it was like lightning just struck my vehicle but it originated from the other side of the road and behind trees. It ceased as fast as it arrived, however this wasn't all. It reappeared on the north side of us then did a maneuver akin to a ping pong ball bouncing up and down. At this point I was very shaken, as was my child. I am still very concerned to this day. My son is now 15 and my dates of the incident are unclear but I will gladly bet my reputation and life on what I saw. I get very emotional just thinking about this and this is the only time I've ever reported this. I have never felt right since the incident. I just feel it should be at least reported. So there, I did my part. Sorry for being a little vague but what we saw is truly unexplainable and I'm still as freaked out today as I was that night. Thank you.

Posted 2023-10-28

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