NUFORC UFO Sighting 178543

Occurred: 2021-09-18 16:15 Local
Reported: 2023-10-04 17:12 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: North of Salt Lake City, South of Hill AFB, UT, USA
Location details: Traveling north on the I15, north of Salt Lake and South of Hill AFB

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Changed Colo

Saw object warp south, circle radar tower 2-3 times, the warp straight up

My family was driving back home from Provo UT up north to Pocatello ID. It was around 4:15 in the late afternoon. Sun was still up in the sky. I saw what I thought was an observatory (later found out it was a strategic radar installation) up on the mountains overlooking the I15 freeway, wondering how people would go up there with no exits or roads? As I was looking, I saw a disc that was white/silver in color heading north toward the Radar tower. I made the joke "what if that was a ufo?" Ad I said that to my wife, I noticed the object started pulsating, like going dim, then super bright. I pointed the object out to my wife (who was driving) and she saw it too, dimming, then getting super bright and slowly dimming. She said "It's bright, now it's dimming, now it's bright..." in rhythm with what I was seeing, so I know it was the same thing. She put her eyes back on the road, but I kept eyes on the object. At that point, the object which had been traveling northward toward the radar tower did something really crazy. Like I have only seen this in Star Trek. The disc object stretched to a straight line south, then disappeared. Like how Star Trek jumps to warp speed, the object stretched, then disappeared. A few seconds later, it did the opposite, line stretched from South to North, and snapped back into place and was a disc again. At this point I am freaking out saying it is a UFO. My 10 year old (at the time, Ronan) started asking where it was. The Radar tower was now to the right side of us (it had been in north-east of us, now it was more east) and the object started circling around the tower. My son shouted "OH my gosh! It is going behind the tower now." So he saw the disc do that. The disc circled the tower 2-3 times. After that, my son and I both saw the object do the stretch-warp, but this time, straight up. Then it was gone.

Posted 2023-10-28

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