NUFORC UFO Sighting 178527

Occurred: 2006-07-01 18:10 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-10-05 04:18 Pacific
Duration: five minutes
No of observers: -3

Location: salt fork state park, OH, USA
Location details: near the beach at salt fork state park

Shape: Orb

Three metalic spheres like pin balls

My wife, daughter and I were getting in the car to leave for the day after swimming. Just above the tree line across the road from the parking lot were three metalic orbs, one behind the other going up at a 45 degree angle, perfectly still, perfectly silent. They were each aprox the size of a hot air baloon. Had we had a cell phone at the time it would have been the best video ever. It was a sunny, clear day and they were very close. After about five minutes they began to leave, going up at the angle they were allready in formation in, the back one leaving first, then after a few seconds the second, then first would follow. They went up untill they were out of site. They never made a sound. When they were still, they were perfectly still, no bobeling. It was increadable.

Posted 2023-10-28

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