NUFORC UFO Sighting 178511

Occurred: 2003-10-21 22:11 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-09-27 20:48 Pacific
Duration: 4-6 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Hamilton, MT, USA
Location details: By Marcus Daly Hospital in Hamilton facing west

Shape: Triangle

Huge silent triangle flew from the mountains to the west heading east

My husband and I were sitting outside smoking our last cigarette for the evening. We noticed a huge dark object emerge from over the Bitterroot Mountains. At first it was just the fact that you couldn’t see the stars. We have very little light pollution and you can see lots of stars. As it moved closer, we realized how massive it truly was. It was completely black, blacker than the night sky, no lights, no noise. Just a football field sized triangle flying towards us. It was moving fairly slow. We started discussing the incredible size and how something that big wasn’t making any sound. We continued watching it as slowly moved to the east.

Posted 2023-10-28

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