NUFORC UFO Sighting 178320

Occurred: 2023-09-17 01:35 Local
Reported: 2023-09-17 15:41 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2 - Aviation Expert

Location: Melrose, WI, USA
Location details: 3 miles East of town at 15-20K feet

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Colo

Saw an object approx 15-20K feet that appeared to be rotating in a shere

This object has been routinely spotted this summer on clear nights. The object in the enclosed video slowly ascended straight up out of view, but danced around from side to side-it appeared an object like a saucer -was both spinning in the sphere and moving 180 continuously in the sphere This is my first time reporting but on June 2nd I got a clear view of a saucer that was much lower to the ground through my field binoculars. I believe the saucer is creating some kind of magnetic field as it navigates our environment which is not visible to the naked eye during a daytime sighting. In the evening the lights of the saucer allow for a view of this magnetic field as its lights bounce off it, creating the view I am uploading tonight. I have seen this object at varying different altitudes all summer. eventually lights will dim as the object decides to take off. This appears to me to be the same type object our Navy has been spotting and recording. If you have good binoculars, when the lights dim for departure a saucer can be seen in the sphere. We dont fly aircraft in pitch black at 40K with the cockpit lights bright, you can not see well out the window. I believe the same applies here, while loitering in the same spot at different altitudes in the evening you see the lights of the saucer bouncing off this field. Making it difficult to identify what it is. On June 2nd at 1051 pm when this same object decided to leave, the lights dimmed and in the spere- Through my binoculars at close range-=a grey saucer with lights around the sides that had dimmed. I did not get that view last night as when first spotted the sphere was much higher then on June 2. I am retired USAF-Have spent my life flying and looking to the sky. I can not explain what I have been seeing, not a drone, not a plane, not a weather balloon-a saucer in a sphere the way it looks to me. if you can zoom into this, you will get a good view of the sphere and discern movement in it.

Posted 2023-10-28

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