NUFORC UFO Sighting 177096

Occurred: 2023-07-26 20:00 Local
Reported: 2023-07-28 20:45 Pacific
Duration: 8 minutes

Location: Hot Springs National Park, AR, USA
Location details: Lake Hamilton, directly under the moon showing at sunset

Shape: Circle

2 separate plastic bag looking objects floating then changing directions

Over Lake Hamilton just before/at sunset. The moon was visible during the day and bright. Under the moon we saw what looked like a floating plastic bag, semi transparent. At first we thought it was an independent floating cloud, it was far too big and high to be a plastic bag. When we first saw it, it was to the left of the moon underneath and moving away from the moon. Then it abruptly changed directions and moved to the right underneath the moon. It was high but fast. Much faster than any clouds in the sky. When it reached the tree line of our sight, it disappeared. Shortly after a second one, identical to the first in shape and size and color, appeared to the left of the moon, moving to the right toward the other one. When it reached the top of the tree line from our view, it disappeared. There was no sound at all.

Posted 2023-07-29

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