NUFORC UFO Sighting 176912

Occurred: 2023-07-23 21:24 Local
Reported: 2023-07-23 20:12 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes approximately
No of observers: 1

Location: Noble, OK, USA
Location details: W/SW moving to the S

Shape: Other
Explanation: Rocket - Certain
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

I took a photograph first and then a video. I cannot rationalize what I saw. It looked foggy and it is cloudless, changing in intens

I was sitting on my back porch when the light from the diatant cell tower caught my eye and made me look up. I saw Jupiter and then when I went to look around just in a normal fashion, enjoying the fact that it cooled down, this anomoly caught my eye because it was a light that looked like it was in fog, but there is currently not a cloud in the sky, which I documented by video also. I quickly took a photograph and reviewed it, blowing it up, and could clearly see that it was not a helicopter nor airplane as there was no shape to it, no blinking lights,and soundless. I immediately began to video it and happened to catch an aircraft flying the opposite direction, which allowed a comparison with the anomoly, along with the moon and a star that are also present in the same frame. As I continued to video the anomoly suddenly got bright and what I can only describe is that it looked like it poofed something out of the front of it, similar to like watching a slow motion video of the sound barrier being broken or a bullet exiting a firearm. I continued to video it and the light from the barn created a glare in the camera, so I continued to watch it with the naked eye. It was like it suddenly disappeared into thin air. I literally cannot rationalize what I saw. I grew up around airplanes, helicopters, NASA, etc., as a child, coming from a family of aviators and air traffic controllers, and I legitimately cannot find an explanation to what I just witnessed. I do not drink and do not take drugs. I don't have a rational, logical explanation to what I just witnessed and captured in photograph and video.


SpaceX launch from Florida

Posted 2023-07-29

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