NUFORC UFO Sighting 176773

Occurred: 2023-07-14 22:54 Local
Reported: 2023-07-14 23:38 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Spanaway, WA, USA
Location details: At home

Shape: Star

Star started to move, zig zag, blink in an out, take sharp turns

I'm twenty nine years old and I've never seen anything like this. I stepped outside to hit my vape and get some nicotine in my system, and when I do so at night (in this case about 10:50pm) I like to look up at the sky, we're near JBLM so theres always planes, I frequently see satellites, even got to see Mr. Elon Musk's string of satellites flying through the air. But tonight was something different I was looking at what I thought was a star, until it started moving then my mind jumped to satellite. But it was anything but, it started to move fast and sporratically. Taking sharp turns, up and down, left and right, I took my phone out and started recording as quickly as I could. It was also strange to me that my phone camera wasn't picking up any of the other stars and yet somehow had no issue seeing the one light in the sky I was trying to record (thankfully) I ran back into my house to get my cousin to come out to be extraordinarily sure I wasn't going crazy. But by the time we made it back out of the house to look, it was gone, so much for an extra witness. Now I regret taking my eyes off of it.

Posted 2023-07-29

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