NUFORC UFO Sighting 176723

Occurred: 2023-06-03 16:35 Local
Reported: 2023-07-12 11:49 Pacific
Duration: Less than 1 second
No of observers: 1

Location: Mesa Vista, CA, USA
Location details: On Imagrant Trail, between California Rd. & Nevada Rd.

Shape: Disk

A very fast, disc-shaped craft moving west to east.

Full disclosure: I did not see the object with my naked eye, but I have 11 frames of footage that show, what appears to be an object moving at an extremely high rate of speed through the field of view. It was moving too fast to be seen by the naked eye.

I was on a bike ride in Mesa Vista, California, and stopped to take a photo of Hawkins Peak, in the distance, using my iPhone. I did not see an object when I took the photo.

When I later reviewed the photo I saw what appears to be an object moving through the frame. The photo was taken using an Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max. That device has a feature called "Live" photos. It takes 3 seconds of footage each time you press the "shutter" button. I used that function, so my photo actually included a series of 90 photos (aka, frames). The object in question appears in 11 of those photos/frames.

I work as a professional photo editor. I know camera artifacts. This is no camera artifact.

The object is small in the frame and will be difficult to see at first. I will be happy to aid investigators as needed.

Posted 2023-07-29

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