NUFORC UFO Sighting 176635

Occurred: 2023-04-11 15:00 Local
Reported: 2023-07-07 06:30 Pacific
Duration: 30 secs
No of observers: 3

Location: Lathrup, MI, USA

Shape: Circle

Three person observed a 12' black ring that descended and vanished in 30 secs

Witness reported that this incident had occurred in his side yard and it had lasted approximately 30 seconds. The incident was also witnessed by a friend whose name was removed from the report. It had happened on a beautiful spring day with a clear blue sunny sky without any wind or anything else unusual. He and his wife, Lisa, were chatting in their driveway when he suddenly noticed some sort of unknown black object just appear about 50 ft overhead. The object appeared out of thin air in total silence. It did not seem to have any sort of propulsion. The object or "enigma" was a 12 foot ring or circle, black in color. He was unable to identify what it was. It had a gigantic 12 foot wide spiral "corkscrew" device that was slowly rotating under the ring or circle. He immediately alerted Lisa of what he was watching and she also witnessed the same strange enigma. They both just stared in awe as the weird object descended downward. As it was about to touch down, the object just vanished into thin air. It just disappeared. In less than a second. What ever this enigma was, is a total mystery. It did not leave any clues as to what it may have been, or where it may have come from or if it had any purpose. He could not even attempt an educated guess as to what he and Lisa had witnessed. It was truly an "out of this world experience......beyond bizarre."


Possible smoke ring. See

Posted 2023-07-10

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