NUFORC UFO Sighting 176315

Occurred: 2023-05-16 19:00 Local
Reported: 2023-06-16 16:46 Pacific
Duration: 25 minutes
No of observers: 100

Location: Oro Valley AZ, AZ, USA
Location details: Grandstand bleachers at High School graduation.

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Hovering UAP

We were sitting in the football stadium grandstands at Canyon Del Oro High School in Oro Valley AZ (a suburb of Tucson) for a high school graduation ceremony on May 16, 2023 at 1900.. I estimate approx 1,000 people in the stands and 350 graduation students on the field. At 1900 the ceremonies began. It was at this point that my partner pointed out a strange dark object was hovering to the east approx 5-10 miles from our location. It was north of the Santa Catalina mountains and northeast of Pusch Ridge.

I advised my partner that is was most likely an airplane from the nearby Davis Monthan AFB or Tucson Intl Airport. However, as we watched it, no movement was noticed. Other people in the stands also saw the object and started to question what it was.

My partner attempted to capture the object on his mobile phone but was unable to get a clear picture, most likely due to distance. At 1925 the object lit up with 3 bright white lights in a strobing fashion. I could see a faint outline of the object which appeared to be triangle in shape. The object continued to hover for approx 5 more mins with its flashing lights and not moving.

At approx 1930 the object moved at extreme speed southwest over the Tucson valley. I estimated it traveled over 25 miles in a matter of seconds. It proceed to stop abruptly and again hover. At approx 1935 the object went into what appeared to be a spiral roll down and I could clearly see it was triangle in shape. We lost sight of it as it disappeared behind buildings.

Posted 2023-07-10

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