NUFORC UFO Sighting 176309

Occurred: 2022-08-21 03:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-06-16 00:16 Pacific
Duration: 2 hrs
No of observers: 2

Location: Twain, CA, USA
Location details: Pine Aire Resort/ Sierra Nevada’s

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Landed, Possible abduction

Lights in distance neared me/ I went and woke my dad/ we saw for a couple days “rainbow brite”

I was visiting my dad at his popular recreation spot. I have lived there previously. He’s been there longer. He saw one thing in 15 years— What I saw…

I’m a night owl. I went out to smoke a cigarette on the porch. Animals, noises, and even forest mysteries don’t frighten or deter me from the isolation… I was sitting on the porch and as someone that lives in the city and is not observant— the sparkling light traveling to the left of me didnt strike me… we are so used to planes. Helicopters,

It struck me suddenly- I was in the mountains… not in an aero path… what was that light in the trees?

I stared at it to the left of the porch watching it move— until it finally reached a clearing. Beautiful. From left to right. A strip of light like a DJ rave… but it only had certain colors…. As I stared and sort of began to realize what I was looking at….

In an instant it was like “IT” saw me too. It began to start directly towards me and I thought, “No Way!” A lot of things went through my mind. And I thought “Man this planet sucks Let’s Go!” But it got so close— I got scared. I thought of if they took me I’d miss my dad.

The rainbow DJ of the disc on the quarter’s edge as it approached. When I got scared I ran in really quick and turned thd porch light off— I ran back out and it slowly switched directions. Like it knew I was scared.

Well I knew no one would believe it. So Iran into my dads room and told him to hurry I saw a spaceship NOW

By the time dad came out the mysterious undulating he saw go from horizontal to vertically land almost on forest ridge… we fondly called it rainbow brite which appeared around distantly— a couple days/—

Posted 2023-07-10

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