NUFORC UFO Sighting 176115

Occurred: 2023-06-06 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-06-06 19:28 Pacific
Duration: Only a few seconds
No of observers: 4

Location: Jekyll Island, GA, USA
Location details: 31.03699° N, 81.41458° W - on the beach just outside of the Residence Inn and Courtyard by Marriott

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object

Five orange orbs that shifted momentarily.

We saw five identical orange orbs in a horizontal line. We watched them for about 10 seconds but were unclear as to how long they had been there. They momentarily shifted and became three orbs lined vertically. This was probably less than half a second. They disappeared immediately after shifting positions but we thought there might still be one of the orbs moving and flashing to the right. We were standing on the shoreline and saw this take place right above the ocean.

Posted 2023-07-10

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