NUFORC UFO Sighting 176088

Occurred: 2019-08-31 00:54 Local
Reported: 2023-06-01 18:01 Pacific
Duration: 45-1hr
No of observers: 2

Location: Lucern Valley, CA, USA
Location details: Soggy dry lake bed vid details pin me at 42920 Carmer Rd vid taken looking N -N/E roughly 50°

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects

Strong white light pulsing then seperating and joining again and again.

I Went Star watching with my Wife In Johnson Valley CA area ( Lucern Valley CA) the Moon was waxing crescent 3.8% and the area was the darkest on my light pollution map. We went to a location called "Soggy dry lake" and began to view to Stars. Shortly after arriving my Wife notifies me of a pulsing ( very bright then fades to dim repeating ) white light to the North/North East I look and watch for 3-5 min and determine it’s a helicopter flying our direction with its spot light on and pointed forward. I then look at my phone to view my Star map notice its 12:20am I continue to look to the Southern and Eastern skies. Around 12:52am my Wife again references the pulsing light I look and notice it hasn't moved any closer or further away or higher or lower in the sky and is still pulsing a powerful white to a almost translucent white its at this point it has my attention this is when it began to divide into two then into three then would join back together again all the while slowly pulsing brilliant white to a translucent white. This continued for 1-2 minutes after the video stops when the Unidentified lights stopped the light was at the point of being joined to one and still slowly pulsing then just winked out gone from the sky.
I have Video @ 206MB I am unable to upload I would have captured the full occurrence but I did not have enough memory at the time.

Posted 2023-07-10

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