NUFORC UFO Sighting 173698

Occurred: 2022-12-24 19:27 Local
Reported: 2023-01-02 12:09 Pacific
Duration: 1 or 2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Tishomingo, OK, USA
Location details: Neshoba street facing south heading towards 13th st.

Shape: Light

I saw about 8 orange-ish lights not moving in the sky.

As I turned south off of Main street on to Neshoba street I noticed about 7 lights in the sky. It was 7:26 and dark outside. There were what I believe to be 1 or 2 planets visible in the sky but one may have been a bright star. As I got closer to my house I noticed there were less of them. I pulled in to my driveway which was 2 blocks from where I first saw them and got out. By then there were only 2 left. I did not see them move in any direction. I also did not see where they went. Seemed like every time I looked back up from looking down at my phone there were less. There was no sound I could hear. They were not blinking or flickering. From my vantage point they were at and above the tree line but not overhead. Some were not clearly visible due to trees near me so there may have been more I could not see. I checked flightradar24 app and saw no air traffic above me although I did see a plane in the distance towards the southwest. I was the only witness. 34°14'03.2"N 96°40'45.1"W
This is about where I took the picture.

Posted 2023-03-06

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