NUFORC UFO Sighting 171957

Occurred: 2022-09-22 19:53 Local
Reported: 2022-09-23 11:56 Pacific
Duration: Don't know
No of observers: 2

Location: Sattley, CA, USA
Location details: Over Hwy 49 about 3 mi. from sierraville

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

I have never seen a bright light or star where I saw this. It looked like it was not moving. When I took picture with phone it looks li

I was outside covering my squash for the night. When I walked back to my house I saw what looked like a large rectangle in the sky. It was very bright and looked orange/white. We live in a very rural area and have a good view of stars at night. I looked at it for awhile then called my husband outside to look at it. He was born and raised here and is very familiar with the sky's around here. He said he had never seen anything like it before. We watched it for awhile and he went in because it was cold. I stayed outside and went in about 10 min later. I took pictures on my phone. When I looked at them the object looked round.

Posted 2022-10-08

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