NUFORC UFO Sighting 171697

Occurred: 2022-09-10 20:00 Local
Reported: 2022-09-11 01:36 Pacific
Duration: Hours
No of observers: 999

Location: Outer Benson/ Texas Canyon/ Sibyl, AZ, USA
Location details: Gigantic Portal “Sheep Wash” next to I/10

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Changed Color, Landed

Very large portion off mountain glowing will not believe when we got closer!

My family was driving and we thought Texas Canyon had an extremely large fire that was very clearly going into the sky. Unfortunately I was driving and very much fast speed traffic. I have never seen anything like this. As we got closer it was literally thousands of fireballs coming out of the mountain which looked to be a black portal in the mountain but with so many it was GLOWING ORANGE! The fireballs look to be orb like but pulsating in color between orange to amber, black outing. The insane amount of curiosity, slightly nervous and almost completely breathtakingly calm as you approached.

They were spread from all over the mountain and floating looking over both sides of the freeway hanging not far above. Again I truly wished I would have attempted more while driving.

While going underneath them there was strips of what looked like lighting bursts of different lengths and size.
Mostly lightening Z to oval? They were yellow, green and purple.

If I ever see this, I will find a spot to pull over for more observation.

The most insane part is that everyone driving was almost equally hesitant and curious but as thought we all were on the same page as far as speed, I believe we all slowed down and passed the same meaning not brake jamming or rubbernecking a car accident. It was so incredible.

I truly hope more capture photos, I think it’s absolutely fascinating.

Posted 2022-10-08

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