NUFORC UFO Sighting 126351

Occurred: 1993-09-01 20:15 Local
Reported: 2016-03-13 11:23 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Large rectangle object making no noise.

I saw this object so many years ago and the year and month are correct, but the day could be off it was sometime around the first half of the month.

I was in my backyard, looking at the sky. The night was calm and quiet, the sky was partly cloudy (but the clouds were sitting lower than normal at approximately 7000 to 8000 feet), and no planes were in the area. I lived approximately 8 or so miles east from Luke AFB.

At about 2015 hours or so, I noticed blue lights, lighting up a large cloud to the south of my house. The blue color that I can describe is like a welders blue light a bright dark blue color. This light appeared from the cloud about 2 to 3 times in a short period of time. The light looked to be coming out of the cloud but there was no visible beam to it, so I was not sure if it was making it to the ground. Oddly enough on the final light flash, I did here someone yell to the south of me about a light flash, but I don't know if this was related.

After that, approximately 30 or so seconds later a large rectangle object came out of this cloud slowly , but increase speed quickly. The object had many sets of lights all over the haul and there were no viable wings on it. The objects structure looked metallic bluish-gray in color. The object made zero noise. At the speed it was traveling and the size of the object not hearing any sound from it made the sighting very uneasy.

The object traveled through a few more clouds and went west heading towards Luke AFB, but ended up shooting up into the sky and almost vanishing in seconds. a few minutes after I lost track of the object, I smell something similar to burning electronics or something like that and my eye became a little irritated. I am not sure if this was related or if a neighbor was doing something funny.

The size of the object is hard to explain. The size of the object was something I could never think that could fly, a specially with no wings nor making a sound.

Being retired career military and having clearances. I have very good knowledge of military aircraft both known and kept secret, long with civilian aircraft. I have no clue what this is or was.. this was tattooed to my brain that night. I only now come forward because my story should be told. I never saw another object in the sky after that but this was enough for me.

Posted 2016-03-18

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