NUFORC UFO Sighting 126215

Occurred: 1977-10-26 21:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2016-03-05 21:33 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Quaker City, OH, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

Three silver discs hovering over a streetlight/power pole

My one and only UFO sighting occurred in the middle 1970’s and was witnessed by two other people, my sister and a neighborhood friend. I have considered reporting this many times over the years and have finally decided to tell what happened, in the hope that others may have seen the same objects and they will come forward as well. I wish to remain anonymous.

It was in late October, middle 1970’s, during the week of Halloween. The three of us decided to go out play Halloween jokes on our friends and neighbors. We had been running up and down the street, yelling, and having fun. When we got to the West end of the street, which was quite a distance from the last streetlight. We then noticed a car coming into town on Route 265 which runs parallel to the street we were on. Playing as children do, we ran to hide from sight of the car driver. I ran out into the weeds near the edge of the creek and the others ran the opposite direction, back towards the street light and up into a yard above the street to hide in the bushes around a house.

When the car had passed by I started walking back in the direction the other two had gone to hide. When I got under the streetlight I saw both of them standing on the hill above the road, pointing towards the light pole and moving backwards. I looked up at the pole and found I was standing under three dull silver discs that were hanging motionless about three feet above the light pole.

The discs were all identical and had the look of brushed aluminum with a bright white light on the bottom. While the light was bright, it was not clear and resembled the look of a ceiling light with a frosted white shade, only brighter. They were ten to fifteen feet in diameter, somewhat curved on the bottom and around three to four feet thick from the bottom to the centerline of the disc. I could not see the top half as I was standing almost directly underneath them. I do remember hearing a buzzing sound but I’m not sure if it was coming from the streetlight, as many of those lights made a noise at that time, or if it was coming from the discs. I turned to look at my sister and our friend and they were standing some distance back on the hillside at a level that would have been about half the distance from the bottom of the discs to the ground.

I turned my attention back to the discs and started to bend down to pick up a rock to throw at one of the discs. As I bent down I saw the disc on my right, which was the one farthest West, start to wobble and move slowly to the West. I backed away from them while watching the moving disc tip up and down like a boat does when riding moderate waves.

This disc kept moving off slowly to the west and I watched it until it had traveled about one quarter mile then I looked back up at the other two. They had moved off to the south and were steadily moving up and away at about a 35 degree angle.

My sister and our friend came down to the street and we watched them all move off until they were points of light that faded from view. We ran home to tell our parents and they really didn’t pay us much attention as we were out playing jokes when this happened and they thought we were joking with them.

Never since have I seen airborne vehicle that resembled these three craft. I didn’t see any windows and I don’t recall seeing any seams, joints, rivets or indication of assembled panels. The color most resembled brushed aluminum. As I remember, I didn’t feel fear but just awe for what I was seeing. I believe my sister and friend were somewhat afraid, but still amazed at the sight of these objects.

I hadn’t seen my childhood friend for quite a few years, when I saw him at a dinner and the first thing he asked was if I remembered the discs. We talked about our memories of them and we still recall the series of events in the same way.

Occasionally my sister and I talk about that experience as well. To this day I wish I would have hit one of those discs with that rock to see what reaction it might have had. If I ever have another opportunity, I will do whatever I can to strike, shoot, or damage the object in the hope of invoking a reaction.


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2016-03-11

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