NUFORC UFO Sighting 99945

Occurred: 2009-02-08 20:00 Local
Reported: 2013-07-08 12:24 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Lake View Terrace, CA, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Animals reacted

I saw a green sphere emitting sound at eye level from 20 feet away here in Los Angeles County.

Location: Wheatland Ave./North Of Foothill Blvd.

I was walking my dog around 8:00 pm on a Sunday night. I was living in a rural neighborhood with no traffic and no city lights.

Suddenly this sphere light appears approximately 20 feet away from me. It was a bright green color and emitted some high pitched digital sound.

It hovered at my eye level for a few seconds. Then I felt a gust of wind and at a high speed it flew another 20 feet behind me. Again it hovered for a few seconds making the same high pitched digital sound. Then it instantly disappeared.

During the event, my dog started whining and the fur on her back stood straight up.

I have never seen anything like this in my life.

Posted 2013-07-14

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