NUFORC UFO Sighting 98545

Occurred: 2013-06-09 22:20 Local
Reported: 2013-06-09 22:56 Pacific
Duration: 2 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: City Height, CA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

V shape craft with 2 rows of big yellow lights + loud noise pass over City Height, San Diego CA

I was outside throwing away trash, heard of plane noise louder than usual but I thought it was just a regular plane flying low attitude but when I looked up and behold, that thing was HUGE with two rows of yellow light, about 5 lights on each row, shaping as a V shape and it also had a high beam yellow bean underneath near the front craft shining to the right. It was so beautiful and amaze. Whoever was outside of their house in my area must have seen it.

Posted 2013-07-03

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