NUFORC UFO Sighting 95748

Occurred: 2013-01-01 01:30 Local
Reported: 2013-01-02 06:25 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 4

Location: Canaan Valley, WV, USA

Shape: Fireball

Two Orange bright lights moving across Canaan Valley WV sky

At approximately 1:30 AM on the Salamander Ski Trail at Timberline Resort, West Virginia; four of us were out for an evening sledding on the ski trail.

I stayed at the top for a break as my daughter and her two cousins went for another run.

Starring off at the beautiful view of Canaan Valley looking north, a bright orange almost red light appeared and pasted to the east of my location maybe a half mile away. The light disappeared into the low cloud cover above the Dolly Sods.

I asked the kids if they saw it and they said no and as I was pointing up to them the location an identical light appeared and followed the exact same path. We all saw it. The first light was witnessed by myself for approximately 30 seconds the second about the same.

My 16 year old daughters exact words at the sight of the unusual object with no sounds were “are we safe”.

Posted 2013-02-04

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