NUFORC UFO Sighting 71611

Occurred: 2009-08-11 22:00 Local
Reported: 2009-08-11 22:47 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Panama City Beach, TN, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

2 UFOS spotted together in Panama City Beach, FL August 11, 2009

My husband and I noticed a UFO tonight (August 11, 2009) it was probably around 9 PM. We saw 2 flying together one was 3 lights in a triangle like pattern and the other was 5 lights in a V shape. They were fairly low and were coming FROM the west. We were at a public beach access area on West Front Ocean Rd in Panama City Beach, FL. They flew quite fast then disappeared Total time of about TEN seconds.

Posted 2009-08-27

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